Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hey there!
I'm Kat, AKA Skatingfairy. I'm 17, almost 18 years old, I have a sweet little dog named, Molly (she's my baby!!!!!!). I'm not very tall, but that's ok, short people have more fun!!! :P
Anyway, the name of my blog is a "Skater's sister" because my younger sister is a figure skater! And with the Olympics right now and all it's pretty fun! She isn't there yet (Olympic level) but she hopes to be by 2014! She trains in Southern California, and we live in Oregon! every month or so my mom takes her down for lessons and they stay about a month! She's getting pretty good and works REALLY hard, to accomplish her goals! I'm so proud of her!

Bye4Now & God Bless!

"He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along."
Psalm 40:2

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